The bernedoodle is one of many adorable poodle mixes that has since grown in numbers following its introduction in the 2000s. As a mix between a Bernese mountain dog and a standard poodle, the bernedoodle can vary with their looks.
Among the many looks of the breed, some bernedoodles can change colors. Here’s what to know about the bernedoodle color change and everything related.

What are the Standard Bernedoodle Types and Colors?
Generally, the bernedoodle has two types. These types are the F1 bernedoodle breed, a.k.a. the First Generation Cross, and the F1b bernedoodle breed. The First Generation Cross is a 50/50 mix between the Bernese mountain dog and the standard poodle.
Meanwhile, the latter consists of a back cross between an F1 Bernedoodle mixed with a Mini or Standard Poodle. Between the two types, the F1 Bernedoodle can come in two coat colors, while the F1b Bernedoodle comes with more coat colors.
Bernedoodle Color Changes and Fading
Do bernedoodles change color? The answer is yes. The most apparent change is with a faded bernedoodle. The bernedoodle fade can vary depending on the coat and occur during the bernedoodle puppy coat change.
There are a variety of bernedoodle puppies that can change. Some coat colors that change and fade include:
Tri-Color Bernedoodle Color Change
The tri-color bernedoodle is the most common coat color for the breed. A common trait of this coat color is a dark base and white markings around the face, chest, feet, and paws. The tri-color bernedoodle color change can vary depending on the parent.
However, a regular change is a rusting of the coat color. The bernedoodle fading gene for a tri-color coat usually appears if the poodle parent carries it. Otherwise, you may see some color fading from bernedoodles with curlier coats.
Tri-color Phantom Bernedoodle Color Change
The tri-color phantom coat color is a variation of the tri-color bernedoodle. The main difference with this variation is a mixture of black and rust colors with lesser white markings. When the bernedoodle is born, the three colors are distinct.
As they grow older, however, the colors can end up blending and look like two colors rather than three. Other times, they can end up with a silver coloring, but this coat change can be due to the fading gene poodle mixes end up with from their parents.
Sable Bernedoodle Color Change
The sable bernedoodle has the most notable coat color change out of the lot. When a sable bernedoodle is born, you can always expect the puppy to have a dark coat. Once the puppy starts growing, you should see what color will clear out by looking under its eyes.
A sable bernedoodle generally turns into a light brown or cream color among different bernedoodles.
Compared to a faded bernedoodle, you should know what to expect with a sable bernedoodle’s color change. Furthermore, some sable bernedoodles have darker ears and black hair tips.
Merle Bernedoodle Color Change
The merle bernedoodle is a rare coat color that only occurs if the parent carries the merle gene. A merle coat is identifiable by speckled patches of diluted colors spread across a solid base coat.
As a rare and new coat color for the bernedoodle breed, not much is known about the coat color and the changes it undergoes.
Brindle Bernedoodle Color Change
The brindle bernedoodle is one of the few bernedoodle coats that doesn’t change even with a parent having the fading gene.
As the name states, the brindle bernedoodle has a brindle color, and their colors tend to blend as they grow older.
Compared to other breeds, the brindle bernedoodle retains most of its color and shows no signs of grey or silver with age.
When to Expect Bernedoodles to Change Color?
There are various types of bernedoodles. Should one of the parents have the fading gene, many bernedoodles change colors. However, it can also depend on the kind of coat. Generally, you can expect the puppy to change their coat color when they reach adulthood.

Depending on the coat and parent, you should see a color change starting at 6 to 10 months of age. Because of the bernedoodle fading gene, you should expect many bernedoodles to have their coats fade to silver/gray or a lighter tone.
Which Bernoodle Color Will You Choose?
If you want a bernedoodle of a specific color, you’re free to do so. There shouldn’t be any worry about the breed based on the coat color. Generally, you can expect our bernedoodle puppies to be healthy.
Furthermore, you’ll find that there isn’t much difference between a tri-color or sable bernedoodle’s behavior.
Do you want a gentle and affectionate companion? Then get a bernedoodle, no matter the color. When it comes to the bernedoodle, there are plenty of cute options available.
Lundve, Laura-Johanna (2024) Bernedoodle Colors & Coat Patterns: Complete Guide And Photo Gallery [Blog]