About Atlas
Meet Atles, the Mini Bernedoodle Puppy looking for his new home!
Roxy and Maverick’s litter of F1 Mini Bernedoodle puppies arrived on December 29th, 2023. There is 8 boys and 2 girls in this litter. They will be ready to go to their new home on March 1st, 2024.
The expected adult weight in this litter will be 25-50 lbs. The puppies will be low to non-shedding, with a wavy haircoat, and their face will also have long hair on their muzzle, giving them a cute Teddybear face!
Roxy is a lovely dog with a great disposition. She’s a gentle, loving companion and a wonderful mother to her babies. All these great attributes that Roxy possesses, combined with Maverick’s friendly and outgoing personality and intelligence, produced an outstanding litter of Mini Bernedoodle Puppies.
They will come with their first vaccinations, vet check, and dewormed, as well as our 2-year written genetic health guarantee. If you are interested in reserving a puppy from this litter, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the puppy’s profile of your choice.
If you want to reserve Atles, click on the “Make A Deposit” button above. If you have any additional questions, please get in touch with us.
Superior Standards
Health Tested
Temperament Screened
2-Year Health Guarantee
Lifetime Support
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Central Illinois Doodles