Puppies are cute, playful, and adorable. They are also known to be extremely destructive. If you have a dog, chances are you have been bitten at least once. Puppy bites are painful and can leave scars.

If you want to prevent puppy bites, here are some ways to stop them.

1) Keep your house clean: This is the most important thing that you should do if you don’t want your puppy to bite other people or animals in your home. Make sure there are no toys lying around for him to chew on. Also, make sure all of his food bowls are cleaned regularly so he doesn’t get into any trouble with it.

2) Be careful when handling your pup: When you pick up your puppy, always hold him by the scruff of his neck. Never let him jump onto furniture or play rough with anything else because this could cause him injury. Always keep an eye out for things like wires and sharp objects which may hurt him.

3) Don’t allow strangers near your pet: It is very common for puppies to become aggressive towards new people who come over their homes. You need to teach your puppy not to attack anyone who comes close to him. The best way to accomplish this would be through training. Teach him how to greet visitors properly. Once he has mastered this skill, then you will know that he won’t bite anybody anymore.

4) Use positive reinforcement: There are many different methods used to train dogs but one of the easiest ones is using treats as rewards. Whenever your puppy does something good, give him a treat. He will learn quickly that doing certain actions will earn him more treats than others.

5) Provide adequate exercise: Your puppy needs plenty of physical activity every day. A sedentary lifestyle leads to boredom which causes aggression. So ensure that he gets enough time playing outside daily.

6) Train your puppy early: Start teaching your puppy basic commands such as sit, stay and down from the earliest age possible. By starting off right, you will avoid problems later on.

7) Get professional help: If none of these tips work, consider getting professional help. Consult a trainer or behaviorist about what you can do to improve your situation.

8) Do not punish your puppy: Punishment only makes matters worse. Instead, use praise and reward whenever your puppy behaves well.

9) Avoid harsh words: Harsh words tend to trigger bad behaviors in pets. Try avoiding saying “no” or “stop” too often. These words usually lead to negative consequences.

10) Give your puppy lots of love: Pets require constant attention and affection. Without proper care, they might develop behavioral issues. Therefore, spend quality time with your puppy everyday. Play games together, feed him healthy meals, walk him and cuddle him.

11) Take precautions against fleas: Flea infestation is another reason why puppies start attacking each other. To prevent this problem, try spraying your puppy with insect repellent before bedtime.

12) Monitor your puppy closely: As mentioned earlier, puppies are prone to developing behavioral issues.

Click here to know how much to feed your puppies.